FreeNAS Hyper-V Netword Card Issue / Problem
I had to install a FreeNAS. This was done through hyper-V. The
problem though, were, that FreeNAS wasnt able to see the network card.
This is the workaround:
You should now be able to use the network card.
This is the workaround:
- Make sure you create a legacy network card in hyperV for the virtual server.
- reset the network by using the menu (1)
- open shell menu (9)
- write ifconfig to see the network interface, mine was de0
- ifconfig de0 down
- wait for the card to be down, then type ifconfig de0 up
- wait a few, then type exit
- Lastly, if the address doesnt appear, do (1) and reset the card. It should now appear.
You should now be able to use the network card.