FreeNAS Hyper-V Netword Card Issue / Problem

I had to install a FreeNAS. This was done through hyper-V. The problem though, were, that FreeNAS wasnt able to see the network card.

 This is the workaround:

  1. Make sure you create a legacy network card in hyperV for the virtual server.
  2. reset the network by using the menu (1)
  3. open shell menu (9)
  4. write ifconfig to see the network interface, mine was de0
  5. ifconfig de0 down
  6. wait for the card to be down, then type ifconfig de0 up
  7. wait a few, then type exit
  8. Lastly, if the address doesnt appear, do (1) and reset the card. It should now appear.

You should now be able to use the network card.

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