Disable IPv6 and its Components

How to disable IPv6 and its components in windows

Have you ever experienced, that an computer still responds to your ping, even though ipv6 is disabled through network interface properties?

It seems, that unchecking the ipv6 interface isnt exacly enough. Here I will show you, how to completly disable IPv6 and its components, so it cant respond on its interface, regardless.

What you need, besides unchecking the "Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6)", is creating an regedit entry.

Open "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TCPIP6\Parameters", and create a new DWORD(32bit) called "DisabledComponents" (Note: Its case sensitive), modify the attribute to "ff" (255 hex). See image below.

Restart the computer, and IPv6 is now disabled.

If you need to deploy it to multiple machine, you can create a regedit file and place the following inside it.


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