Uninstall SQL Management Studio

Microsoft released a new version of Microsoft SQL Management Studio SMSS.
it can be downloaded from here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/ssms/download-sql-server-management-studio-ssms

This article, i will show, how to uninstall SQL Management Studio.


Open "Program and Features"

Rightclick on "Microsoft SQL Server 20xx (64-bit)"  and select "Uninstall / Change". In the new window, click "Remove".

You want to remove a shared feature, Go to select feature screen. It doesnt matter which instance you choose, or if you choose "remove shared feature only".

 In the "Select Feature" screen, select "Management Tools - Basic" and "Management Tools - Complete". These are the SQL Management Studio files.

Click remove. SQL Managemant Studio are now being removed.


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